Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Cost of Knowledge visualization

Click on image to go to interactive visualization 

This data is a snapshot of the signees to The Cost of Knowledge website on Wednesday, May 27, 2015.

Data provided by Tyler Neylon

Signees chose from three options when signing the boycott (won't publish, won't referee, and/or won't do editorial work). In the visualization, True indicates they have chosen to boycott providing a service to Elsevier.

Signees to the boycott provide an affiliation, not a location. In order to do this spatial visualization, Josh Been utilized the Bing Maps mapping API to assign geocodes to each signee's affiliation.  This visualization includes only those signees whose affiliation was matched to a specific location with a minimum of 80% locational accuracy.

Rafia Mirza and Josh Been then used Tableau Public to create this visualization.